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Adam Sandler Reportedly Has A Script For ‘Happy Gilmore 2’: ‘It’s In The Works’ | DJ Eric B

Adam Sandler Reportedly Has A Script For ‘Happy Gilmore 2’: ‘It’s In The Works’ | DJ Eric B

Adam Sandler Reportedly Has A Script For ‘Happy Gilmore 2’: ‘It’s In The Works’ | DJ Eric B

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  • Adam Sandler Reportedly Has A Script For ‘Happy Gilmore 2’: ‘It’s In The Works’ | DJ Eric B

Adam Sandler Reportedly Has A Script For ‘Happy Gilmore 2’: ‘It’s In The Works’

Adam Sandler fans rejoice! The beloved comedian and actor reportedly has a script for a sequel to his hit 1996 film, “Happy Gilmore.” In a recent interview, Sandler revealed that the script for “Happy Gilmore 2” is currently in the works. The original “Happy Gilmore” followed the story of a failed hockey player who discovers a talent for golf and enters a high-stakes tournament to save his grandmother’s house. The film was a commercial success and has since become a cult classic, with fans clamoring for a sequel for years. Sandler, who both starred in and co-wrote the original film, has expressed interest in revisiting the character of Happy Gilmore for a sequel.

In the interview, he hinted at some of the plot details for the new film, saying that it would focus on Happy’s life as a father and his struggles to balance his family responsibilities with his passion for golf. While details about the sequel are still scarce, fans can rest assured that Sandler is committed to bringing back the beloved character for another adventure. With the script in the works, it seems like “Happy Gilmore 2” is well on its way to becoming a reality. As fans eagerly await more news about the sequel, they can take comfort in knowing that Sandler is dedicated to delivering a film that will live up to the legacy of the original “Happy Gilmore.” Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated project!


Photo Credit REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

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