Pork flavored coffee is Starbucks’ newest China pitch, marking Lunar New Year | DJ Eric B

Pork flavored coffee is Starbucks’ newest China pitch, marking Lunar New Year | DJ Eric B

Pork flavored coffee is Starbucks’ newest China pitch, marking Lunar New Year | DJ Eric B


Pork flavored coffee is Starbucks’ newest China pitch, marking Lunar New Year

Starbucks is known for its wide variety of beverages, has recently announced a new addition to its menu that has sparked both excitement and controversy among customers. The company has decided to offer a pork-flavored latte, a unique twist on the classic coffee drink. The pork-flavored latte is made with a special blend of espresso, steamed milk, and a hint of smoky bacon flavoring. The drink is then topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of crispy bacon bits for an extra savory touch. The result is a rich and indulgent beverage that is sure to satisfy even the most adventurous taste buds.

While some customers have expressed enthusiasm for the new offering, others have raised concerns about the ethics of serving a pork-flavored drink at a mainstream coffee chain. Many have pointed out that pork is a controversial ingredient for religious and cultural reasons, and that offering it in a latte could be seen as insensitive or offensive to certain groups of people. In response to the backlash, Starbucks has stated that the pork-flavored latte is simply a fun and creative addition to their menu, and that they are not trying to offend anyone with the new drink. The company has also emphasized that the beverage is optional and that customers are free to choose from their other offerings if they prefer.

Overall, the introduction of the pork-flavored latte at Starbucks has certainly stirred up conversation and debate among customers. Whether you’re intrigued by the idea of a savory coffee drink or prefer to stick to more traditional flavors, it’s clear that Starbucks is always looking for new ways to innovate and surprise their customers.


The drink — which is only available in China — celebrates the Chinese New Year, which began on Feb. 10, there’s no word if this will come to America!


Photo Credit REUTERS/Mohammad Khursheed

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