Ten Tips On How Save On Your Heating Bill This Winter | DJ Eric B | Hot 1045

Ten Tips On How Save On Your Heating Bill This Winter | DJ Eric B | Hot 1045

Ten Tips On How Save On Your Heating Bill This Winter | DJ Eric B | Hot 1045


Ten Tips On How Save On Your Heating Bill This Winter 

1. Use a programmable thermostat: Set your thermostat to lower temperatures when you are not at home or when you are sleeping. This can significantly reduce your heating costs.

2. Seal air leaks: Inspect your windows, doors, and any other areas where air might be escaping. Use weatherstripping or caulking seal any gaps or. This will prevent cold entering and warm air from, reducing the need heating.

3. Ins your home: Proper can help retain heat inside your home, insulate your attic, walls and basement if possible You can also use draft stoppers door sweeps to prevent drafts under doors.

4. Use natural sunlight: Open curtains and blinds during the day to allow sunlight to naturally warm your home. Close them at night to provide an extra layer of insulation.

5. Dress warmly: Instead of cranking up the heat, layer up with warm clothing and use blankets to stay cozy. This way, you can keep the thermostat at a lower temperature without sacrificing comfort.

6. Use ceiling fans: Set your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise at a low speed. This will help circulate warm air that rises to the ceiling, distributing it throughout the room.

7. Maintain your heating system: Regularly clean or replace air filters in your heating system to ensure it operates efficiently. Consider scheduling a professional maintenance check to optimize its performance.

8. Use energy-efficient appliances: If you need to replace any appliances, choose energy-efficient models. Look for the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that the appliance meets strict energy efficiency guidelines.

9. Lower water heating costs: Insulate your water heater and set its temperature to 120°F (49°C) or lower. Use cold water for laundry and take shorter showers to reduce hot water usage.

10. Unplug unused electronics: Many electronics consume energy even when not in use. Unplug devices or use power strips to easily turn them off when not needed. This can help reduce your overall energy consumption.

11. Consider alternative heating methods: If feasible, use alternative heating methods such as a fireplace, space heater, or electric blanket to heat specific areas instead of heating the entire house.

12. Take advantage of government programs: Check if there are any energy-saving programs or incentives offered by your local government or utility company. These programs may provide financial assistance or discounts for energy-efficient upgrades.
Remember, every small change can add up to significant savings on your energy bill.


Photo Credit REUTERS/George Frey

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