Watch People’s Hilarious Reactions to Using a Credit Card in 1993 [Video]

Watch People’s Hilarious Reactions to Using a Credit Card in 1993 [Video]

Watch People’s Hilarious Reactions to Using a Credit Card in 1993 [Video]


These days you can’t imagine going anywhere without your credit card. In fact, most people don’t even carry cash on them; everything gets paid on a card or even your phone. So it’s kind of weird to think of a time before credit cards, where people exclusively paid with cash. However, that’s what people in 1993 would say about us today.

This video on reddit takes us back 30 years ago at a Burger King where they accepted credit cards for the first time and people’s reactions are hilarious af. Like the guy who’s concerned about getting his Whopper immediately and doesn’t want to have to wait for his signature to be approved by the guys “in New York.”

People in 1993 react to credit cards being accepted at a Burger King.
byu/No_Edge_99 inAllThatIsInteresting

It’s also worth noting that this is probably the only time you’ll see this many people wearing suits inside of a Burger King.

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